Charlotte was very good; Ben made finals in both Cdt and Jr. The Cdt was expected - the Jr was a reach, but he has those sorts of performances in him, he just needs to capitalize on more opportunities. Liz made top-32 in both, which is the cutoff for receiving points towards your national ranking. "Making points," in the parlance of US fencers, is a big deal.
On the way back from Charlotte, we had a 30 minute layover. Fortunately, the connection was delayed 30 minutes, but then our plane was about 40 minutes late. There were ten fencers on the plane, scattered throughout. The gate, naturally, was a train ride and then a quarter-mile run away. The three boys up front were told to run and hold the gates, and I'd stay behind and collect parents. While on the train, Ben called my cell phone -- "They say five minutes and they close the door." "Lay in the door if you have to. Or have health problems."
Amazingly, not only did we make it, but so did our bags! Good job, Detroit ground crew!
On Tuesday night, Jess and I went for one last garbage plate; mid dinner, our favorite counter-lady brought out candles, flowers, and a balloon, and pronounced, "Now THERE. That's romantic!"
Dear Daniel Snow,And then, on Wednesday morning, I said goodbye to the past 1/3 of my life.
During your time in Brussells, I have inadvertently taken
your girlfriend on the best date ever. Please bring your
A-game when you come back to America.
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